Oh My Goodie Goodie Gumdrops.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yesterday was my last day of eating meat.

I am now a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Yay!

I'll stick to this for a bit, then I'll cut it down to being a lacto-vegetarian...to a vegetarian...to cutting out gluten and sugars...to raw!

I'm going to have to take my time though. I've been eating garbage for too long. I've decided to wait at least 3 months between each "phase".

I told Keith and his replay was, "No bacon and steak for you. More for me. Woohoo!"


Breahte In. Breathe Out.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I can’t believe it. I feel like my entire life is crashing down around me. Okay, maybe not my entire life--that would be too easy. No… just my relationship.

I’m the good girlfriend. I’m not clingy. I don’t rely on him for everything. I don’t complain. I don’t usually disagree. I don’t require his attention all the time. I encourage him to hang out with his female friends, and I don’t get jealous. I want him to go out with his friends. I don’t complain about his ex-wife basically trying to sabotage our relationship. I don’t complain when he tells me about his exes, even though he has told me many times he‘d be threatening to kill mine if I spoke of them the way he does his. I laugh when he says he wants to have his name tattooed on my arse. I don’t complain or get jealous when he tells me how pretty another girl is (celebrities included). I just agree when he tells me that Nikki used to be a model, and that she was so pretty. Yeah, I’m 5’9.5”, but I’m not model material. I know this. It worries me.

I’m overreacting. This is all because of him telling me Marian told him she’s in love with him tonight. Lovely. Simply fabulous. It scares me. I don’t want to lose him. I felt like telling him, “Alright, let Marian have her go at you then. I‘m finished.” But I literally cannot imagine my life without him.

But he tells me, “Keith loves Atti so much.” Yes, in third person, but it’s our thing. He tells me that he’s waited for me his entire life that that he’s so happy he’s finally found me. He tells me that I’m his and he’s mine.

He told me tonight, “Please don’t get bored of me.”
I said, “Do you really worry about that?”
He said, “Yes.”

I don’t want him to worry. It kills me when he doesn’t sleep well, or he has a bad day. I want him to be happy above myself. I want every day of his life to be better than the last.

Sometimes I think he does some of the things he does so I’ll get jealous. He always tells me about how his exes were really jealous women.

Anyway, I blame Auntie Floe…

I hate hormones.

Oh, I haven't smoked or drank anything but water since whatever day it was. :P


I despise caffeine.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I have a headache.

Ugh. I hate caffeine and what the 'withdrawals' do to you. I lay a curse on whomever decided soda was a good idea. Okay, not really. But they're an evil, evil little person.

Or, it could have been the peanuts I ate last night... Hmm.


Mess Up, Fess Up: One.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I really hope this is my only time of having to fess up.

Thursday, when I decided to quit smoking and drinking anything but water, I went to a relatives home to stay for a few days. While there I drank about 3/4 a cup of Coca-Cola and smoked 3 cigarettes.

I felt bad.

Since then I have drank only water or have not smoked.

That means I have been drinking only water and have been 'smoke-free' for 2 days. Better than nothing! It all adds up.


Can I Do It?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm really rather worried about my stopping smoking and drinking anything but water at one time. And today of all days....

I found out that while I was out today Keiths ex-wife had been talking to him telling him how much she misses him, that she wants to be with him, that she only wants him to be happy, that she dreams of him, etc.

I'm not bothered that he talks to her, she is his ex-wife. She was there first. Ya' know? It's that she continues to try to lure him when she knows that he's happy with me. That just pisses me off. I don't like people who play dirty.

She's done this since the beginning of our relationship. He hasn't swayed, plus he lets me know everything. I don't think I could ever be happier with someone. He's literally my dream man, the kind of man I decided I wanted as a child. Lucky me!

I don't know what to do...

But I have only drank water and I haven't had any cigaretes.


Eek. It's storming. (I despise storms.)

Be good everyone!


I Wanna' Go Rawr!

Yes, I know it says 'Rawr' not 'Raw' but, what can a girl do? :)

I've been thinking about going raw for a while. I'm not completely new to the idea. I was a vegetarian for a while. But I broke down.

I just had to have that loaded potato soup (O‘Charley‘s). It was worth it. I felt bad, but it was like sinning. It knew it was wrong but it was oh so tasty. I just couldn’t help myself. It all went downhill from there though, a bit of milk in the ingredients, a bit of cheese here and there, a little bite won't hurt...to absolute carnivorous behavior.

Complete meltdown.

I blame Auntie Floe. She's a conniving … well, not a nice woman.

So, I’m going in steps. Why? Cause I have a nasty caffeine and cigarette addiction. Okay, the cigarettes are a piece of cake to ditch compared to the caffeine (+/-2 cigarettes a day compared to living on Coke).

Actually that’s what I’m gonna’ do. I’m gonna’ ditch both addictions at once. Why sit around playing games with myself when I have my health to worry about?

I’m starting anew.

Starting right this very instance I’m not going to drink anything other than water nor am I going to smoke another cigarette.

The headaches will suck. I accept this as my body going through withdrawals. Caffeine is a drug. I wanna’ get clean.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic. But…oh well! I mean it.

If I mess up, I fess up.

Wish me luck!


A Night On The Town...

Again, a joke in very poor tastes.

Two dwarves go into a bar, where they pick up two 'working girls' and take them back to their seperate hotel rooms...

The first dwarf, however is unable to get an erection. His depression is made worse by the fact that, from the next room, he hears his friend shouting, "'Here I come again! One, two, three, UGH! One, two, three, UGH!"

This goes on all night long.

In the morning, the second dwarf asks the first, "How did it go?"

The first mutters, "It was embarrassing. I just couldn't get an erection."

The second dwarf shook his head...
"You think that's embarassing? I couldn't even get on the bed."


I'm So Going To Hell...

I found a cute joke. It is in poor taste, fair warning.

A priest offered a lift to a nun.

She got in and crossed her legs, forsing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stelthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?"

The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, "Father, remember Pslam 129?" The priest apologized, "Sorry sister but the flesh is weak." Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, "Go forth and see, further up, you will find glory."

Moral of the story:
If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opprotunity.


The Bug Lady

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I swear, I think something is wrong with me.

I was sitting in bed. I looked up at the ceiling and there is a rather thick black line moving around the border of the wall.

So, I got up and flipped on the light. Yep, I actually remembered the light this time. Afterall, it wasn't a huge spider on my leg. Yay!

Anyway, I went to the kitchen got an old plastic container and trapped said thick black moving line.

It had 18 pairs of legs. I was sorta' weirded out by it. Even has pincer-looking thingies.

Lovely, right?
It was a centipede. Fun... Keith and I named it, his name was Cedrick. The spider got a name too. He was Borris.

Guess that's all for now.  Just thought I'd let the world know that I am now The Bug Lady!

Yay!  No...not really.

With love and creepy crawlies,
The Bug Lady.


Teardrop Trailer Consideration

I've been thinking. What would it be like to have a teardrop trailer and actually live in it full time?

To travel around freelancing...
Meeting a ton of new and interesting people...
To be able to go when and where I want...
To live on the road...
A bohemian lifestyle...

That, honestly, is my dream life. Now if I can only convince Keith (pseudo-husband) to come with me. Okay, that wouldn't take much. I know the first thing he'd say, "When are we leaving?".

A childs dream, I suppose. For now anyway. Hmm. (That's me scheming, by the way.)


OMGGG! I got a comment on ClassicButQuirky. I'm totally psyched about it. It was from a woman named 'Laura H.' Ah! I'm so darn excited. Just putting it out there, but Laura H., you're so my new best friend. Oh, and can't forget Kaylynn, she's "following" the blog. Go Kaylynn!

Hehehe. Got all excited.


Creepy Crawlies

Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh my gosh!

I was sitting on my bed with my laptop.  The lights were off (bad me, I know).  I felt something move on my leg.  I assumed it was just the cord where I moved the computer a bit as I reached for my drink.  I took my drink, and put the glass back. 

I moved the cord, it was kinda' annoying.  The cord was no where near that part of my leg.

I freaked. 

I swatted at my leg.  I missed the first time.  It was moving more.  I could feel all of it's little legs.  Definitely cringe-worthy.

I swatted again.  I got it!  But now it was on my bed.  Great, that's all I need--some deadly spider taking up house between my sheets.  I immediately put my legs off of the bed and flipped my computer upside down in front of my face to light the bed.  Turning the lamp on was definitely not in my scope of thought. 

I couldn't see anything.

That was the one moment I regretted having a brown/ivory/light blue theme to my room.  One of the spots on my bed moved.  It was running towards the edge of the bed.

I was just sitting there saying, "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t," over and over.  I put the laptop down on the night stand and basically threw myself at the lightswitch.

By the time I got the light on and back to the bed, it was gone.

After halfway shaking the blanket I pulled it off of the bed.  Nothing.

I moved the mattress.  Nothing.  The thing disappered!  I can still feel it though.  Ick.  It's like it's still sitting there on my leg.

I keep brushing my arms and legs off like there is something there.  Ugh!  So not cool.


Sewing Denim Rings.

I've decided I've almost reached a low point in my sewing career.
I mean, when you get bored you think up quite a bit of 'unusual' projects.  My unusual project of the night Thursday was...dun-dun-dun!  Denim rings! 

Now, you have to think like it's 4 am and you can't sleep.  Right, are you there? That point where drooling is like the highlight of your 5 minute staring contest with the wall?   Good job!  Not many people can pull that one off on 'command'.

Okay, I ripped a pair of my jeans the other day.  I loved those jeans.  :(  So I figured I would use them to make something so I could work on my sewing.  I cut a square out and worked on my embroidery.  My embroidery sucks--I'm not even going to lie about that.

Then, it hit me.  I wanted to make a braclet out of them.  So, I was lazy and just started cutting the belt loops off to use instead of cutting fabric and all.  I cut the stitching where it was attached to the actual pair of jeans.  I took the two I had cut off and decided that I'd rather just make a ring out of them.  (Told you I was being lazy.) Cause afterall, how cool would that be?

I secured the two ends I was going to attach together with a safety pin, just to hold them while I threaded the needle etc.  Cause yeah, I do this all by hand.  I never could figure out a sewing machine.  I might have to do that one day.

Anyway, I was sewing and then it hit me.  I was sewing the thing inside out.  Like...the part that I wanted to be on the outside, was now going to be on the inside.

So, I was like, alright, I can just make another.  I have quite a few belt loops at my disposal anyway.

I started over.  And continued on my merry little way.

I made a denim ring.  It is amazing considering I am truly talentless and have no coordination..  I'll have to post a picture of it.  And... it only cost me 15 minutes of my life (for both rings).  Fun, huh?


Inverted Nipples. Seriously?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

No, I don't have inverted nipples, thanks for wondering.

I was checking out the top searches in the USA about 5 minutes ago and the top seach today and yesterday was 'inverted nipples'. I kid you not.

I worry, America. I worry about the economy. I worry about the war. Now, I have to worry about why so many of you are looking up inverted nipples.

Look out, H1N1 virus, inverted nipples are popping up everywhere.

Erm, or not.